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Cleaning Up Those Halloween Messes

halloween can be messy so check out these tip to keep clean

Yes, it’s true, Halloween isn’t for a few more weeks, but we thought it would be good to share with you a few tips on how to clean up those potential Halloween messes. You never know, some you might need to know before the big night!

Easy Pumpkin Clean Up
Before you start carving those jack-o-lanterns, be sure to lay down newspaper. This will make the clean up super easy, by just getting rid of the newspaper and then wiping down the table.

Getting Candy out of Clothing
One thing is for sure, with Halloween comes lots of candy. And sometimes that candy ends up on your children’s clothing!

Here’s an easy recipe on how to get rid of sticky candy:
1 teaspoon – neutral detergent
1 cup – lukewarm water
Mix together and blot the stain with the solution and a cloth. Finish by blotting with water, then scrape off the candy.

Here’s a recipe for getting rid of melted candy:
One-third vinegar and two-thirds water mixed together. Blot with a cloth and finish by blotting with water, then scrape off the candy.

Glitter Here, Glitter There, Glitter Everywhere!
Does your child’s costume have glitter on it? If so, there are chances you will end up with glitter all over your house. So that you don’t have to keep finding glitter weeks later, clean it up right away! Start by vacuuming the areas where there is glitter, then for any remnants, roll Play-Doh over the mess. Voila – glitter is gone!

Cleaning Up from Pesty Neighbor Kids
Do you have kids in your neighborhood that think it’s funny to silly string houses, shaving cream cars or toilet paper houses? As soon as you find these annoying surprises, clean them up right away! Here’s how:

Silly String – While most should come off with soap and water, if you still have a few spots that won’t come off, try removing with a cotton ball or swab.

Shaving Cream – If you find this very annoying surprise on your car, immediately wash it off with soap and water and also take it to be professionally cleaned. It can easily leave stains, and you want to make sure your car ends up with no stains.

Toilet Paper – While this one may be the easiest to clean up, you still want to clean it up right away, especially if there is rain in the forecast! Rain can instantly turn toilet paper into your worst nightmare.

While no one wants to deal with Halloween messes, sometimes they happen. But with these tips, hopefully they will be a lot easier and less stressful to clean up.

Kelly’s Kleaning, LLC is a full-service cleaning company. We specialize in residential, commercial, apartment move out and new home cleaning. We offer our cleaning services to individuals and businesses in and around the Reading area.


