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Cleaning Tips for College Bound Students

college cleaning tips for those going to university

It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over. I’m sure for many of you, it feels like you just graduated high school and now you are getting ready for the next journey in your life. First off, congratulations on graduating! Now let’s talk about college. More importantly, let’s talk about keeping your college dorm clean, even if you may not have been the best at keeping your bedroom clean. Now that you will be living in a dorm, you will have a few more responsibilities when it comes to cleaning. Let’s dive into it and find out what they may be.

  • Laundry – Do you do your own laundry at home? If you answered no, now is the time to get a crash course from your parents on how to do it before you leave! Because, let’s be honest, at college you’re going to have to do your own! It’s a good rule of thumb to do your laundry once a week. This will ensure you always have clean clothing, and that your dorm room doesn’t pile up with lots of dirty laundry. Also be sure to wash your towels weekly. You can use towels more than once, but be sure to hang them up after each use so that your dorm doesn’t start smelling of mildew or mold.
  • Clean weekly – The week can be crazy with classes and homework, so you may just throw things when you get back to your dorm, which is why it’s a good idea to pick up after yourself once a week.
  • Bed sheets – Are you thinking, “Do I really need to wash my sheets? Mine have never been washed….” Well that’s not the case. Chances are your mom was washing your sheets, you just may not have known about it. Be sure to strip your bed and wash your sheets at least once a month.
  • Dishes – Plain and simple, don’t let your dishes pile up. If you find you have a bunch, take time to do them. Also, to reduce the amount of dishes you have, it might be smart to stick with disposable plates. If you use disposables, this is pretty simple to think about, but be sure to take your trash out regularly! (Really, you should take your trash out regularly to begin with!)
  • Small Mess – Keep disinfecting wipes on hand for those times you have small messes or spills. Don’t let them just sit there and wait to clean them up because then it could lead to it being more difficult to clean, or worse, bugs!

With following these simple tips, you can keep your dorm room not only cleaner, but also smelling better!  Have a great first year at college!

Kelly’s Kleaning, LLC is a full-service cleaning company. We specialize in residential, commercial, apartment move out and new home cleaning. We offer our cleaning services to individuals and businesses in and around the Reading area.
