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Cleaning Up After Parties

party balloons and confetti, Kelly's Kleaning provides residential cleaning services such as party cleanup to individuals around the Berks County and Lancaster County area.

We know the summer months can be a little crazy with parties and picnics, especially if you’re hosting! If you’re hosting an event or you may be hosting a party or attending a few yourself, you may want to hear a few pointers to make the day after somewhat easier on you. Whether you’re having a birthday party, picnic, or a general get-together, here are some tips on how to make cleanup go smoother!

Use Trash Bags
One tip to help during and after the party is using trash bags instead of just letting the garbage cans fill up. Plates, cups, and old food all goes in the trash anyway, so why let space fill up when you can hang up a garbage bag in an area that will be prominent during your event. Be sure to have a separate one for recycling, and make sure both are marked accordingly! Keep the bags up while you’re cleaning to help make cleanup an easy task.

Attack Those Odors
If you notice after your party there is an odor, use some air freshener to freshen up the place. Also, just a general cleanup of the areas in your house where the party took place will help bring your house back to smelling nice and clean!

Get Down and Dirty
Parties can leave areas in your house or yard dirty, some dirtier than others! Recruit your family to get the job done faster. Clean the bathrooms, kitchen and any other room in the house that was used. Go through the yard and clean up any garbage that you may find and put away any chairs, tables and toys that could be still laying around. It’s a smart idea before the party to close off any areas you don’t want guests to travel into; this will also make for fewer rooms to clean afterwards!

Have a great time at your party and, as always, happy cleaning!

Kelly’s Kleaning, LLC is a full-service cleaning company. We specialize in residentialcommercial, apartment move out and new home cleaning. We offer our cleaning services to individuals and businesses in and around Reading PA, Ephrata PA, Sinking Spring PA, and Leesport PA.

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