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Get That Spotless Bathroom You’ve Only Dreamed Of!

Kelly's Kleaning is a cleaning business in the Reading, Leesport, Wyomissing, and Sinking Spring area that provides residential services, commercial cleaning, new home cleaning after construction has finished, and more cleaning services for individuals and businesses.

Let’s face it, cleaning your bathroom is most likely not high on your list of rooms you love to clean. Unfortunately, it’s a room that needs to be cleaned often, since it is the germiest room in your house. To help cut down on the amount of time and frequency of deep cleans, I want to share with you simple ways to keep it clean.

  1. It only takes a minute. After you’re finished showering, wipe down the tub with a terry cloth towel. This will get rid of any soap scum left from your shower and will help reduce any build up.
  1. Closed or Open? That is the question when it comes to your shower curtain. Well, I have an answer for you: closed! By keeping your curtain closed it will keep the water from sitting in the folds and potentially causing mold and mildew to build up on your curtains.
  1. Only once a week! Pick a day, and on that day every week, grab your toilet bowl cleaner and scrub brush and clean your toilet bowl! It only takes minutes to clean!
  1. Think of your kids! Do you have children in your house that use bath toys? Have you ever thought about cleaning the toys? If so, that’s great! If not, this one is for you! Since bath toys sit in that soap-filled water with your kids, they can have bacteria and mildew forming on them. Keep the toys clean by simply filling a bucket with warm water and a ½ cup white vinegar per gallon of water and let the toys sit for 10 minutes. When taking them out, rub gently with a sponge and allow time to dry.

That is it! By following these simple steps when it comes time to deep cleaning your bathroom, it will be a breeze and you’ll be finished in half the time it used to take you!

Oh, and one last thing –

  1. Keep your pipes happy! Once a month, clean your pipes! This can be done when you deep clean. Pour ½ cup baking soda down the drain and follow it with a ½ cup white vinegar. Let that sit for a few minutes and then pour boiling water down the drain. This is a very simple and green way to clean all of the build-up from your drain.

Until next time, happy cleaning!!

Kelly’s Kleaning, LLC is a full-service cleaning company. We specialize in residential, commercial, apartment move out and new home cleaning. We offer our cleaning services to individuals and businesses in and around the Reading area.
